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Mastering the Art of Barbering: Unveiling the Secrets Behind Scissor over Comb, Clipper Cutting, Razor Work, and Detailing Techniques

Written By: Mike Iskhakov (owner of Mankind Barbers NYC)

Publish Date: 06-12-2023

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Scissor over Comb Technique
  • Clipper Cutting Techniques
  • Razor Work and Shaving Techniques
  • Detailing Techniques
  • Conclusion


Barbering is an ancient and esteemed craft that has evolved into a true art form over time. It combines skill, precision, and creativity to transform hair into works of art. In this article, we dive into the secrets behind some of the essential techniques in barbering, starting with the scissor over comb technique.

The Scissor over Comb Technique: A Foundation for Great Haircuts

When it comes to barbering, the scissor over comb technique is the cornerstone of any exceptional haircut. This technique involves using barber shears, a comb, and adept hand movements to trim and shape the hair with finesse.

The barber begins by selecting a suitable comb and holding it firmly in their dominant hand. They comb through the hair while holding the shears in their other hand, using the comb as a guide for the length and angle of the cut. With each pass of the comb, the barber skillfully maneuvers the shears, carefully trimming away the excess hair.

The scissor over comb technique offers several advantages. It allows the barber to have better control over the haircut, ensuring a consistent length throughout. This technique is particularly useful when blending different lengths of hair, creating seamless transitions and natural-looking layers. It also enables barbers to customize the haircut according to the client's preferences and facial features.

Mastery of the scissor over comb technique requires practice, patience, and an eye for detail. Barbers must develop a keen understanding of hair growth patterns, texture, and density to achieve the desired result. With experience, they become adept at manipulating the comb and shears, adapting their technique to suit various hair types and styles.

Beyond the Basics: Elevating the Scissor over Comb Technique

While the scissor over comb technique forms the foundation of barbering, experienced barbers often add their own unique touches to elevate their craft. They may employ advanced techniques such as point cutting, where the scissors are used to create texture and softness in the hair. They may also incorporate scissor over comb techniques with razor work for a more intricate and defined look.

Mastering the scissor over comb technique is a crucial step in becoming a skilled barber. It provides the foundation for creating well-executed haircuts and allows barbers to unleash their creativity. Through practice, observation, and a commitment to continual improvement, barbers can refine this technique and unlock endless possibilities in their craft.

Scissor over Comb Technique

When it comes to mastering the art of barbering, one technique stands out as a fundamental skill: the scissor over comb technique. This technique allows barbers to achieve precise and controlled haircuts, ensuring a polished and professional finish.

To begin, barbers need to understand the fundamentals of scissor over comb. It involves using a comb and a pair of quality barber shears to trim the hair. The comb acts as a guide, while the shears do the cutting. By skillfully manipulating the comb and shears, barbers can create clean lines and consistent lengths throughout the hair.

Choosing the right scissors
is essential for achieving precision and control. Barber shears come in various sizes and designs, and selecting the appropriate pair is crucial. Smaller shears are ideal for detailed work, while larger ones are suitable for removing bulk and creating initial shape. High-quality scissors with sharp blades ensure clean cuts and reduce hair damage.

Proper body positioning and ergonomics are also important considerations. Barbers should maintain a comfortable stance with good posture to prevent fatigue and maintain stability. Holding the shears correctly, with the thumb in one ring and the fingers in the other, provides better control and reduces strain on the hand and wrist.

Different hair types and styles require specific techniques. For thick or coarse hair, barbers may need to adjust their cutting angle and apply more pressure. With thin or fine hair, lighter pressure and a more delicate touch are necessary. Understanding the unique characteristics of different hair types allows barbers to adapt their technique and achieve optimal results.

To achieve seamless blending and texturizing, barbers can incorporate advanced techniques alongside scissor over comb. Point cutting, where the shears are used to create texture by cutting into the hair at various angles, adds depth and softness to the haircut. For more intricate styles, barbers may utilize razor work in combination with scissor over comb, adding precise detail and definition.

Key Takeaway:

The scissor over comb technique is a fundamental skill in barbering that requires the right tools, proper body positioning, and an understanding of different hair types. By mastering this technique and incorporating advanced methods, barbers can achieve precision, control, and seamless blending for exceptional haircuts.

Clipper Cutting Techniques

When it comes to clipper cutting, understanding the different guard combinations and lengths is essential. Clipper guards determine how much hair is left after the cut and come in various sizes, typically labeled with numbers. Smaller numbers result in shorter hair, while larger numbers leave more length. By familiarizing themselves with guard combinations and their corresponding lengths, barbers can achieve the desired hair length with accuracy.

Controlling Clippers for Precise and Even Haircuts

Controlling clippers is crucial for achieving precise and even haircuts. Holding the clippers correctly, with a firm grip, ensures stability and control. Barbers should hold the clippers at a slight angle against the scalp or hair, moving in smooth and steady motions. They should also pay attention to the direction of hair growth, cutting against it for a closer and more even result. By maintaining a consistent cutting pressure and speed, barbers can achieve uniformity and a polished look.

Achieving Tapered and Faded Haircuts

Tapered and faded haircuts are popular styles that require skillful clipper cutting techniques. Tapering involves gradually decreasing the hair length from the top to the neckline or sides, creating a smooth and blended transition. Fade haircuts, on the other hand, involve seamlessly blending the hair from shorter to longer lengths, often with a gradient effect. These techniques require precision and attention to detail, using different guard sizes and carefully adjusting the blending areas.

Creating Clean Lines and Sharp Edges

Creating clean lines and sharp edges is a hallmark of a well-executed clipper cut. Barbers can achieve this by using clipper-over-comb techniques or using the edge of the clipper blade to create crisp outlines. They can also utilize trimmers or detailers for precision work around the hairline, sideburns, and beard. Taking time to refine and perfect these details elevates the overall haircut and gives it a professional finish.

Tips for Clipper Maintenance and Blade Care

Proper clipper maintenance and blade care are essential for optimal performance and longevity. Regular cleaning and oiling of the clipper blades help remove hair debris and prevent rust. Barbers should also ensure the blades are properly aligned and adjusted for smooth operation. Sharpening or replacing blades when they become dull is necessary to maintain cutting precision. By keeping clippers in good condition, barbers can deliver consistent and high-quality haircuts.

Key Takeaway:

Mastering clipper cutting techniques involves understanding guard combinations, controlling clippers with precision, achieving tapered and faded styles, creating clean lines, and maintaining clippers and blades properly for optimal performance.

Razor Work and Shaving Techniques

Straight razor shaving is a traditional and precise technique that requires skill and attention to detail. It offers a level of closeness and smoothness that other shaving methods may not achieve. This technique involves using a single, sharp blade to carefully remove facial hair, resulting in a clean and polished look.

Essential Tools and Preparing the Skin

To perform straight razor shaving, barbers need a few essential tools, including a high-quality straight razor, shaving brush, shaving cream or soap, and a towel. Before starting the shave, it is crucial to prepare the skin properly. This involves washing the face with warm water to soften the facial hair and opening up the pores. Applying a warm towel to the face for a few minutes further enhances the preparation process.

Perfecting the Shaving Strokes and Angles

Mastering the proper shaving strokes and angles is key to achieving a smooth and comfortable shave. The barber holds the straight razor at a specific angle, usually around 30 degrees, against the skin. With gentle and deliberate strokes, they move the razor in the direction of hair growth, taking care not to apply excessive pressure to avoid irritation or cuts. It is essential to maintain a steady hand and maintain consistency throughout the shave.

Navigating Facial Hair Patterns and Contours

Each individual has unique facial hair patterns and contours that require careful navigation during the shaving process. Barbers must pay attention to the direction in which the hair grows, as shaving against the grain can lead to discomfort or ingrown hairs. They adapt their technique to the curves and contours of the face, ensuring that no areas are missed and maintaining a balanced and even shave.

Post-Shave Care and Skin Maintenance

After the shave, proper post-shave care is essential to soothe and protect the skin. Barbers often apply a moisturizing aftershave balm or lotion to hydrate the skin and prevent irritation. They may also use a cold towel or an alum block to close the pores and soothe any potential razor burn. Regular skincare practices, such as exfoliating and moisturizing, help maintain healthy and smooth skin between shaves.

Key Takeaway:

Razor work and shaving techniques, including straight razor shaving, require attention to detail, proper preparation, mastering the shaving strokes and angles, navigating facial hair patterns, and ensuring post-shave care and skin maintenance for a clean and comfortable shave.

Detailing Techniques

Detailing is a crucial step in achieving a polished and refined look for haircuts. It involves adding those extra touches that make a haircut stand out. Barbers use various techniques to enhance the haircut, focusing on precision and attention to detail.

Trimming and Shaping Facial Hair

Detailing extends beyond the hair on the head to include facial hair. Barbers meticulously trim and shape beards, mustaches, and goatees to complement the haircut and create a harmonious overall appearance. By carefully sculpting the facial hair, they can accentuate facial features and add balance to the overall look.

Perfecting Hairlines, Sideburns, and Necklines

Creating clean and well-defined hairlines, sideburns, and necklines is an essential aspect of detailing. Barbers pay careful attention to these areas, ensuring that the lines are straight and symmetrical. They use trimmers or straight razors to achieve crisp edges that give the haircut a professional finish.

Creating Texture and Definition with Point Cutting

Point cutting is a technique that adds texture and definition to the hair. It involves using the tips of the shears to create soft, subtle texture by cutting into the hair at various angles. This technique is particularly effective for adding movement and dimension to layered haircuts, giving the hair a more natural and lived-in look.

Adding Personalized Style and Artistic Elements

Detailing allows barbers to add personalized style and artistic elements to haircuts. They can incorporate creative designs, patterns, or fades into the hair. This customization showcases the barber's skill and creativity while providing clients with a unique and personalized hairstyle.

Key Takeaway:

Detailing techniques elevate haircuts by adding precision, shaping facial hair, perfecting hairlines, creating texture with point cutting, and adding personalized style and artistic elements, resulting in a refined and distinctive look.


Throughout this article, we have delved into the secrets behind various barbering techniques that form the foundation of this timeless craft. From the scissor over comb technique to clipper cutting, razor work, and detailing, each technique offers unique skills and approaches to achieve exceptional haircuts.

Mastering the art of barbering is a journey that requires dedication, practice, and patience. Barbers must invest time in honing their skills, perfecting their techniques, and continually expanding their knowledge. By embracing a growth mindset and seeking opportunities for learning, barbers can elevate their craft to new heights.

Barbering is more than just cutting hair; it is an art form that combines technical skill with creativity and craftsmanship. Barbers have the opportunity to transform hair into works of art, enhancing the natural features and individual style of each client. By embracing the artistry of barbering, barbers can create meaningful and personalized experiences for their clients.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Are there any specific tools or brands that you recommend for scissor over comb technique?

    While the choice of tools may vary depending on personal preference, there are reputable scissor brands known for their precision and quality. It's important to find scissors that strike the right balance between sharpness and smoothness, allowing for fluid movements and impeccable craftsmanship.

  • Can scissor over comb technique be used on all hair types and styles?

    Absolutely! Scissor over comb is a versatile technique that can be adapted to suit various hair types and styles. Whether you're working with straight, curly, thick, or fine hair, mastering the fundamentals of scissor over comb allows you to blend and texturize hair seamlessly, creating a multidimensional and visually appealing result.

  • How often should clippers be maintained and blades be replaced?

    Regular maintenance is essential to keep clippers in optimal condition. It is recommended to clean and oil your clippers after each use to prevent hair buildup and ensure smooth operation. As for blade replacement, it depends on the frequency of use and the quality of the blades. Generally, blades should be replaced when they become dull or show signs of wear to maintain precise and efficient cutting.

  • What techniques can be used to achieve a faded haircut?

    Faded haircuts can be achieved using a combination of clipper guard lengths, proper blending techniques, and a keen eye for detail. Techniques such as tapering, feathering, and transitioning between different guard sizes help create smooth and seamless gradients, resulting in a fade that ranges from shorter to longer lengths with precision.

  • How do I maintain a clean and sharp hairline between haircuts?

    Maintaining a clean and sharp hairline requires attention to detail and regular touch-ups. Using trimmers with a narrow blade or a straight razor, barbers carefully shape and define the hairline, sideburns, and neckline. It is recommended to visit your barber for periodic trims to ensure the hairline remains crisp and well-maintained.

  • Are there any alternative techniques for creating texture and definition besides point cutting?

    While point cutting is a popular technique for creating texture, there are other methods that can achieve similar results. Techniques such as slicing, razor texturizing, or using specialized texturizing shears can also add texture and movement to the hair, providing a range of options for creating personalized styles.

Contact Us

Mankind Barbers NYC

328 East 66th Street, East Store, New York, NY 10065

(718) 644-9536

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